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Envisioning a Better World for Our Students

Public Statements

Envisioning a Better World for Our Students

CAIS' positions on public issues are deeply rooted in our commitment to the safety and well being of every child.

Gun Safety

The horror of school shootings needs to stop.

As educators and as citizens, we are proud Republicans, Democrats, and Independents who believe that our country need not choose between the rightful protection of responsible gun ownership and the necessary prevention of gun violence. We believe that the epidemic of gun violence in schools is an issue of non-partisan urgency that demands a higher duty of care.

We implore our regional and national leaders to take the necessary steps to protect our students, teachers, and staff, and with profound resolve, to address the many factors that contribute to safe and secure educational communities, including responsible safeguards related to guns.

We are moved to speak up and take action on behalf of all of this nation's children, whose welfare and safety it is our common duty to ensure.

To join efforts to stop school shootings, explore

For resources relating to school security, explore


The California Association of Independent Schools is committed to identifying and removing systemic racism within the Association, and to guiding the same work within member schools. The work of becoming antiracist makes our schools and students stronger. It prepares students for success and leadership in a diverse world, while helping our schools to be nurturing, inclusive communities.

CAIS envisions:

  • School communities in which every student, teacher, and staff member feels they have an equal opportunity to learn, thrive, and belong.
  • An association of schools where everyone, regardless of background, feels their life experiences are respected and valued.
  • Future leaders—including alumni of color—who will reflect on their experience within CAIS schools with the conviction that they were consistently treated with dignity and respect by their school community.
  • Schools in which no student, teacher, or staff member is exposed to experiences that we know are harmful.

The following documents represent the early stages of our ongoing work in Antiracism, supporting our commitment to Inclusion, Equity, and Belonging.

Climate Change

As educators, it is our responsibility to help our students understand climate change, and to give them tangible ways to take action addressing one of the greatest challenges of our time.

Each school can model sustainability by reducing its overall greenhouse gas footprint, developing healthy operations, and creating an ecological curriculum

Use the resources below to explore opportunities to take action:

CAIS' Policy on Public Statements:

CAIS supports a diverse group of independent schools, each with its own mission. As such, it does not generally issue position statements about current issues and events. The association will make an effort to share resources with schools and identify avenues to support school communities and leaders in times of crisis, including opportunities for conversations and ongoing learning.